Health Data Sharing

Unlock better care with effortless data sharing

Clear presentation of your health data during appointments.

Pulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman StudioPulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman Studio

Shared notes between you and your doctor.

Pulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman Studio

Stay informed with continuous Real-Time health monitoring.

Pulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman Studio

Simple, yet powerful

iOS App Design, Pulsia DataiOS App Design, Pulsia DataiOS App Design, Pulsia DataiOS App Design, Pulsia DataiOS App Design, Pulsia Data

Clear Health analysis

Pulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman Studio

Easy to use interface

Pulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman Studio

Secure Communication
For Better Care

Patient Control

Patients having control over their health data access levels builds trust and comfort with sharing, such as sharing sensitive mental health information.

Simplify Access Revocation

By making access revocation simple, the app empowers patients and increases confidence in its ability to protect health data privacy.

Securely Store Health Data

Securely storing health data in Canada ensures privacy and confidentiality, protecting against unauthorized access, hacking, and data breaches.

Transform your
healthcare experience.
Join our waitlist.

Pulsia, Dashboard design by Hoooman Studio